
We cannot stress enough the importance of making your will. It is not about your age, or how big or small your estate currently is. By putting your will in place now, you are ensuring the financial security and certainty of your family and your dependants by making decisions now, and hopefully again in the future, as to how your assets will be distributed after your passing.

Take the first step by contacting us today to make an appointment to make your Will with us, or to discuss how you might put one in place.

Estate planning

Planning for the future now will help to put your mind at ease.

Careful planning with our advice will assist with the orderly distribution of your assets in accordance with your wishes without adverse consequences. We will discuss all of the issues which may assist you in your planning, such as trusts, succession rights, vulnerable beneficiaries and enduring powers of attorney By planning our estate with a skilled Solicitor in George V. Maloney & Co. Solicitors, we can ensure your wishes are carried out in accordance with your instructions. We pride ourselves on the long-term management of our client’s affairs and our legal services are tailored to achieve your goals.

Enduring Powers of Attorney

An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document executed while you are mentally competent in which you give another person the power to act on your behalf, your “Attorney”. This document only becomes effective once you are mentally incapable (decided by your doctor/consultant). The document must be registered in the High Court for it to take effect. It may be sensible to execute an Enduring Power of Attorney in conjunction with your Will.

Putting an Enduring Power of Attorney in place may be a sensible precaution, as it enables you to:

  1. appoint a person or persons of your own choosing to act on your behalf,
  2. it can reduce the stress of your family at an already difficult time,
  3. it can prevent family disputes in relation to assets and care decisions,
  4. it is a far cheaper and straightforward than the alternative to an Enduring Power of Attorney (a Ward of Court Application).

The Enduring Power of Attorney can allow your Attorney to make important decisions in your place, for example, what to do with your house or investment properties, where you will live and who with, your diet and your future care. The level of power given to your Attorney is your decision.

Please contact us on the number provided, or fill in the form below and let us help you with your Will or estate planning.

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George V.Maloney & Co. Solicitors is a full service law firm situated in the heart of Cavan town.

The practice is in its 3rd generation under the management of its principal, Jacqueline Maloney. Established in 1915, the firm boasts well over 100 years in service.

George V.Maloney & Co. Solicitors is proudly recognised as one of the largest legal practices in the Mid-North and North-West regions.